Hot Handstand Tip #2 - Pelvis positioning

Hey guys and girls I wanted to share an important body awareness drill for beginners with you today addressing one of the elements of pelvis position in handstand.

You may have heard someone say to you before to squeeze your glutes!

This is by no means a bad bit of advice as this can help stabilize the hips and overall handstand line but before this is even possible we have to make sure our pelvis is in the correct position.

The fancy terms are posterior pelvic tilt and anterior pelvic tilt. In handstand we favour posterior tilt as this allows us to engage the glutes and abdominals. Notice how when you do these drills and stick your butt out and arch the back which is anterior tilt you cannot engage your glutes. Then notice how the reverse is true when you tuck the hips under which would be posterior tilt.

Here is 4 different examples of how you can utilize this concept to gain awareness of your own positioning.